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Writer's pictureDr. Kendra Becker

Foods that should be included in a healthy diet, that will keep you healthy, & happy for 100 ye

Always remember a key to a healthy diet is selecting the highest quality least altered food we can find. The most optimal selections are Organic, Local and harvested at the peak of freshness. However reality exists and we do the best we can!

Take a look at some of the best researched foods to be included in a healthy diet that are the most nutrient dense selections with the highest benefits for our bodies….

Gold Kiwis – one of the best heart healthy foods, packed with more polyphenols, a type of powerful antioxidant per serving than green kiwis, apples, white grapefruits, and oranges!

Purple Potatoes- Purple potatoes contain high concentrations of a variety of antioxidants, including phenolic acids, anthocyanins, and carotenoids, according to researchers which help to keep cells working optimally and reduce damage.

Chocolate- Good news for chocoholics! The flavonoids in dark chocolate can be included in a healthy diet to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, decrease LDL cholesterol oxidation, and increase HDL cholesterol, says a Harvard University study. And one square of dark chocolate is 12 calories, but be sure to choose 70% or darker chocolate because the research shows lower percentages of chocolate do not carry the same benefits.

Red meat-Red meat has gotten a bad rap over the years because some cuts of beef are loaded with saturated fat.  BUT 100%  Grass fed beef has been shown to reduce the risk for heart disease and provide the body with a healthy source of protein. 4 ounces of lean beef each day had a 10 percent decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol by one research study. Beef liver is one of the leanest beef products available, and it’s packed with nutrients, so why not give it a try?

Wild Caught Shrimp- raises HDL (good) cholesterol and reduces triglycerides (a type of fat found in blood), resulting in a reduced risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Just remember to skip butter and deep-frying, both of which can add a load of saturated fat to an otherwise healthy low calorie food.

Tomatoes- these ruby gems are delicious and packed with multiple nutrients, especially lycopene. The body does not produce lycopene naturally, but studies have shown that a diet rich in lycopene can lower the incidence of many chronic conditions such as cervical dysplasia and a variety of cancers. Studies indicate that people with more lycopene in their body fat suffer fewer heart attacks than those who do not have lycopene in their body fat.  Other foods high in lycopene include watermelon, pink grapefruit and guava.

Eggs- studies have shown that 25 pastured eggs can have great health benefits! they raise good cholesterol (HDL) and provide cells with necessary protein and B vitamins. Be careful of your source! Your breakfast scramble should only include the freshest of eggs, as eggs lose ½ of their nutrients within 24 hours of being laid…note that store bought eggs are, on average 2 weeks old at purchase.

Kale ON! Doesn’t every healthy diet include Kale? Well why not? Where else would you find one single food packed with so many nutrients, vitamins and that tastes great? Of course remember to always buy organic because the bugs love kale as much as humans do! Always wash your kale even if packages as “triple washed”

And here are a bunch of foods to avoid!

Skip the soy..over processed junk food that can raise inflammation levels (including cholesterol and blood pressure) in the body,  wreak havoc with a female cycle and the thyroid!

Avoid the sugar and sugar substitutes they cause oxidative- stress, damage to your cells and immune system making you crave it, clog your arteries and gain weight; research shows optimal weight is a prognosticator of longevity and sugar works against that!

Of course there are many other foods that should be included in your 100 years, this is just a short list of delicious selections, that along with your lifestyle care can make your diet rich and delicious!

For more information on how to heal from within and prepare recipes including these nutritional gems check out my book

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