Homeopathy and Chiropractic are energetically connected. Both are natural methods of healing that correct interference by boosting and balancing the nervous and immune systems.

More similarities can be found when looking at the opposition and barriers put in place by the government to restrict, eliminate or illegalize both homeopathy and chiropractic.
“the constitution warned the greatest threat to liberty included the right to choose our own healthcare paths…”
When JD Rockefeller began organizing medical schools, re-writing textbooks and sponsoring pharmaceutical drug research the traditional research had been ignored and omitted from education doctrine promoting only disease management as opposed to cure. Recently, as part of agenda 2020, the FDA stated that they will actively work to discredit homeopathy in an effort to stop their usage among the US population.
History of Homeopathy
Developed by Hahnemann a German Medical Doctor, in 1844. Homeopathy gained popularity and notoriety quickly as is was inexpensive to use and provided people with a cure. By 1900, America had 22 homeopathic medical schools and over 100 homeopathic hospitals. At the same time Rockefeller was using his wealth and influence on open medical schools to change the narrative of healing to “disease preservation”, as well as forming an organization called the AMA. His first rule for the AMA, was to only allow “medical doctors” in this organization, he excluded all traditional healers, homeopaths and acupuncturists. Around 1900 “modern medicine” was risky at best, there toted treatments included risky surgeries many times wrought with infections, bloodletting, and mercury treatments which lead to many other problems for the patients seeking these therapies. Next Rockefeller and his billionaire buddies started funding local and state elections to help “stack the deck” with municipal, and state leaders who were supporting his “medical care for all” agenda. At this time in Davenport Iowa a “magnetic healer” gave his first chiropractic adjustment to a man and restored his hearing. This thrust chiropractic into the mainstream, as a viable form of healing and cure. In 1910 the Flexner Report was published. It conveniently reported that “medical schools” must teach about pharmaceutical drugs and that herbalism, and homeopathy was considered “snake oil” and those that practice it are “charlatans”. Charlatans were originally used to describe medical doctors who used mercury and lead!! To this day, Homeopathic founder Samuel Hahnemann is memorialized in Washington DC where 11 presidents endorsed and utilized homeopathy. The homeopathic pharmacopoeia is still a legally recognized medical system. However, in 2017, the FDA released a new document that states each homeopathic medicine needs to be evaluated individually with no criteria to base judgement. This opens the door for any biased criteria to be used to evaluate homeopathic effectiveness and safety. So, as we continue to fight for our medical freedom against a Goliath like Big Pharma, the all powerful AMA and the government, with a narrow focus on greed and self-serving desires; today, at least, we can still utilize the healing systems of chiropractic and homeopathy. The right to choose our own path to healing is one of our most important rights we possess as humans and Americans. We MUST advocate for ourselves and our families. Knowing the incredible benefits of both homeopathy and chiropractic. It is imperative we protect them under the sanctity of healthcare.