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Writer's pictureDr. Kendra Becker

10 things every expectant mother should know …that will help with pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Thinking of pregnancy, planning pregnancy, birth and babies are amazing life events! here are a few tips that can improve experience and outcomes for an exciting time of life!

  1. Avoiding gluten and dairy help reduce the potential of autoimmune disease and inflammation. Any trouble or history of trouble conceiving has to do with inflammation and autoimmunity. Avoiding these 2 over processed food ingredients assist in balancing the immune system and easing conception and healthy pregnancy.

  2. Avoid GMOs, GMOs are genetically modified organisms. Basically, a science experiment with your food. There are no long-term studies on GMOs however since introduced into the population research has shown higher incidence of asthma and allergies among our children. GMOs take immune resistant components of OTHER species and put them into the seeds and DNA of the foods we eat, and it’s not labeled in the USA. BE cautious and buy organic as much as possible. Organic foods do not contain GMOs.

  3. FOLATE and folic acid are not the same. Modern medicine has been conditioned to use these terms interchangeably. THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT. Folic Acid is synthetic, inflammatory and poorly absorbed by the body. Worse in the presence of MTHFR mutations that mom and baby may carry.

  4. Check your vitamin D levels. Today there is a lot of research about vitamin d. it helps with conception, it balances the immune system and it is a huge component in the brain development of your baby’s brain. Keeping levels therapeutic is a must. Aim for a level of around 60-80, current lab values do not reflect with the current research is saying is optimal. Ask your provider for your number as supplementation may be necessary above a standard bioavailable prenatal.

  5. Take a probiotic. Probiotics help balance digestion, emotion and immunity, 3 things necessary for pregnancy and parenting! Hormones necessary for pregnancy can cause imbalances in immunity and digestion so be sure the probiotic is a balanced formula. Probiotics are also essential for baby. Especially if baby is born by C-section, premature or has distress during or after his or her birth.

  6. Check magnesium levels. Magnesium is so important for healthy full term pregnancy and adequate milk supply after birth. In New England magnesium levels are always low, this can increase the incidence of preterm birth, preeclampsia and low birthweight. Keeping magnesium levels adequate can be difficult without additional supplementation. Speak with your provider about which form is right for you.  Other benefits of magnesium include softening stool and relaxation. Rest assured magnesium is found in dark chocolate so enjoy…a little.

  7. Think long and hard about vaccinations in pregnancy and in your newborn. There is little research on the safety and efficacy of vaccination during pregnancy and in newborns. Much research is being done in this area currently. Please have a long discussion about options and choice for your pregnancy and your baby.

  8. Plan for a natural birth and be prepared that it will be nothing like you planned. Take classes taught by experienced natural birthers, ask a lot of questions, have back up plans and make your requests and wishes known to your providers. Open communication ultimately makes for a better experience all around.

  9. There is no perfect time to have a baby. However, getting your own health in order, possibly clearing allergies or sensitivities, checking for any SNPs or genetic variation that could be problematic for mom and baby, maybe a natural detox of some sort, balance exercise, stress, finances and all the other facets that will get turned upside down once a new family member arrives. Be in the best place you can be for this amazing experience

  10. Listen to your gut, skip the books, the advice everyone has for you and raise your child exactly the way that is best for your family. Seek the help of trusted individuals and support your innate knowledge with what you know to be the truth…..enjoy

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